Looking for 21st century's heroes kubotatu.com

- I dream of the 21st century way of live and run on a motorcycle in America -
>> English

I gathered up plan contents. (PDF ). (320K byte)

All links are live in 1998, some links broken.

〜 Plan abstract 〜

A subject to the 21st century is 1, environment 2, healthy 3, life
I visit a person, a group dealing with the theme and interview it
I go to ascertain the 21st century of oneself by traveling alone of 6000 km

〜 Bulletin board 〜 on travel

I write in the message which from a destination of the American Continent crossing from the actual place
Please write in help from Mr. all, an advise

〜 Transportation 〜

I handle a lump of iron of 1600 cc 400 kg and go for traveling alone of America crossing 6000 km
A purpose ups by the situation of trip in daily than satellite Internet in order to solve the 21st century ideal method to oneself

Use motorcycle:
DS11 Drag Star Eleven

〜 Motorcycle deployment type Mobile communication 〜

Notebook personal computer + satellite telephone + digital video camera + digital camera

〜 Staff 〜

R&D groups (7):
Ichiro Kubota (escort interpretation) + Nonaka Ken (photography) + Takashi Masuo (Website developer) + Matsumoto Taisuke (Engineer in technical) + Suzuki Yoshiki (synthesis support, Yamaha Motor) + Etsuko Fujiwara (writer)
Support groups(3):
Henmi Koyuki (message management) +Koh Koyama(System Administrator)+Kimihisa Ono
Support group Hachioji district
Hideji Usui・Tomoyuki Hanzawa・Miho Kadota・Mayumi Tanoue・Atsushi Dobashi

〜 Story board 〜

Delection board For location hunting | In Preparations part

〜 schedule 〜

[equipment inspection period]
Los Angeles (Start)
San Francisco (SOHO)
[Research period]
Tahoe lake (trekking)
Las Vegas (the post Disneyland)
Cent George (I visit a house of Solar man)
Grand canyon (Ryder of the setting sun)
Sedona (I experience healing of Navajo indian)
Four cornars Sedona, WildFlower, 1-888-494-5335
Santa Fe (Santa Fe research institute)
WhiteSand national natural park
[traveling period]
Houston (NASA)
New Orleans (Jazz)
Key west (Riding of seven nautical mile bridge 〜 longing)
A savanna (Florida beach)
Atranta(House of Miyaji, YAMAHA)
[last adjustment period]
New York (Goal!!!)
World PC Exposision

* A program includes movement day and plan change after the front is predicted for two or three days by circumstances

* The movement situation ups with Homepage every day

〜 Realtime site 〜

Actually, it is Webpage from America (Japanese only)

Contents (During update)

It is the present in March, 1999

● A main sponsor: Yamaha Motor company
Give ・ Yamaha, and develop purification system regulating two car discharge gas

● Realtime Internet broadcast
It is broadcast in a Home Page: Yamaha motorcycle
Image data and the message which are daily
360 times of special リアル images
Is a sample 360 times of images by QuickTime VR
Is a sample indication with daily currently in the ground
A movie (QuickTime and RealVideo)
CD-ROM/DVD production
It is the on time broadcast than realtime USA picture
A message by BBS
Realtime communication by a chat is quitted
> note: Difference in time with Japan:
Loss San Francisco is 17 hours It is chat start at> Japan Standard Time 0:00 a.m. at actual place 7:00 a.m.
Chicago Huston is 15 hours It is chat start at> Japan Standard Time 0:00 a.m. at actual place 9:00 a.m.
New York Washington starts a chat at> Japan Standard Time 0:00 at actual place 10:00 a.m. for 14 hours

※ Internet live broadcasting camera (I add it at any time):
Tahoe lake: Http://www.tahoecam.com/
→ and one Tahoe shore of a lake
New York: http://www.earthcam.com/nycams/
→ Timessquare (45th St, and Broadway/41th St, and Broadway)
Florida: Http://www.perceptualrobotics.com/live/liveWPTV.htm

● Mobile: Satellite line environment
Mobile environment: Macintosh & IBM Thinkpad (during examination)
Satellite communications environment: Iridium (during examination)
A digital camera: DSC-X100 (during examination)
A digital video camera: MiniDV (during examination)

● The actual place situation
Is http://www.vtourist.com/North_America/USA/ MAP
Is http://www.bridge.de/~tom/garmin.htm GPS
Is http://.www.cnn.com/ the actual place social conditions
Is http://.www.cnn.com/WEATFER/ the actual place weather situation

● Environment: Interview list
SOHO visit: Silicon volleyball
Outdoor heaven: Tahoe lake
The post Disneyland: Las Vegas
Solar system life person visit: Mr,Solarman
Cowboy photography of the setting sun: GrandCanyon
Earth and Healing: Is Navajo indian formula site Navajo indian
The highest think factory visit: Is http://www.ises-web.com/cyber-lab/onsfi/index.html lecture summary about Santa Fe research institute complicated series
White desert: WhiteSand
Motorcycle club and touring resident in America: Yamaha motorcycle lover link collection
From realtime broadcast || hello: A picture of America each place
Longing Riding of Ryder: Key west Sevenmiles bridge
Advanced soft development visit: Silicon array
http://www.spacevoyages.com/ space shuttle boarding pass counter

● Pending
Ecological environment experiment research institute: Rocky Mountains mountain Institute research institute
I live and experience Ecological life (a house on a tree): Post Lanch Inn
Man who lives with nature: A talk with a hippie
I hear the figure which there should be of the ocean environment: Woman professional surfer
I swim with a whale: > to swim with dolphin whale || international dolphin whale conference / DRC (porpoise research center, Florida)
I participate in full marathon and participate: Key bank Vermont City Marathon (in America, May)
Off-the-highway road motorcycle lover link collection
Rescue motorcycle

● Media publicity list concerned

○ The media connection that gives the consent of total cooperation to you
"Scamper information super highway" to be made: It publishes 2 serially than "EXECUTIVE" from diamond company Number 5
Serialization "American Continent crossing Mobile adventure" that : 8 continues than version of April 5 on evening paper FUJI Monday
"a description of that - Internet has an adventure for the 21st century hero" serialization to spread: It publishes 3 serially than "Internet magazine" from Impress company Number 6

○ Publication decision
I publish it for "the 21st century" in in press company September and plan

○ The media connection that please be examined
It is serialization between monochromatic 1P age as serialization monochrome 4P, the sequel monthly from publication on being on the selling side of the market August 1 in OutRider (milli- on publication) July
I investigate the 21st century culture and business general idea: The Nikkei Shimbun
"the 21st century way of live": The television morning sun

○ Network media
Yamaha Homepage
"Internet magazine" "InternetWatch" in press company
The planning forum "American Continent crossing report": Niftyserve company
Call 20000 motorcycle fans || is motorcycle forum (FBIKE) administration group

● America motorcycle crossing reference information link collection
An experience: America west photo graphic guidebook
The American Continent information: Miniature AMERICA
Motorcycle tour information: BANZAITOURS HOMEPAGE
America motorcycle tour information: Motorcycle Tour in USA
Motorcycle touring guide: America touring guide

The Home Page where KUBOTATU.